Brintons - Marquis  


Yorkshires Leading Flooring Center


The finest 80% Wool  20% Nylon axminster

consort orange wreath
consort orange diamond
consort orange flake
27 / 25400
consort orange wreath
27 / 14827
consort orange diamond
27 / 25404
consort orange flake
Available - 4m (13'1")
regal red flake
regal red diamond
 intense black diamond
41 / 25404
regal red flake
41 / 14827
regal red diamond
9 / 14827
intense black diamond
sovereign blue flake
 royal blue flake
 princess jade flake
23 / 25404
sovereign blue flake
63 / 25404
royal blue flake
134 / 25404
princess jade flake

Available - 4m (13'1")

sovereign blue diamond
royal blue diamond
 princess jade diamond
23 / 14827
sovereign blue diamond
63 / 14827
royal blue diamond
134 / 14827
princess jade diamond

Please Contact us for the latest competitive prices on this range

(01924) 374850


If you know which design & size you require click here and tell us your requirements and we will give you a quote.

Please be aware that the colour on screen should only be used as a guide
Brintons Marquis